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TCU Alert System graphic

On Feb. 4 TCU will test the TCU Alert emergency mass communication system, which includes phone, text and email communication, as well as indoor and outdoor loudspeakers and emergency lighting on campus. These tests are routinely conducted to ensure the system functions as intended and that all audiences are familiar with it.

The test message will go to all email addresses and cell phones listed for faculty, staff and students. The test will simulate how we will communicate during an emergency situation, and all methods will deploy in rapid succession, so recipients may receive an email at the same time as they receive a call or text.

Reply “Yes” to confirm receipt through one of the methods.

Confirming receipt of an emergency notification is important for two reasons: most importantly, it notifies the university that you are aware of the emergency and can follow any instructions to remain safe.

Secondarily, a response signals the system to suspend additional planned cycles of calling, texting and emailing – TCU’s emergency response calls for at least two cycles. In an emergency, the system deploys all methods within a communication cycle in rapid succession – in fact, within seconds. Recipients may still receive notices after replying, “Yes,” until the system completes a full cycle of outreach.

The test is anticipated to last approximately two minutes.

The TCU Alert system pulls contact information from an internal database maintained by TCU for its faculty, staff and students. Only faculty, staff and students may update that information.

We appreciate everyone’s participation and patience during this test. TCU is committed to providing a safe environment for its faculty, staff and students. Safety is the result of careful attention to operations and everyone’s willingness to be prepared should an emergency arise.

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